Our 2024 Salary & Recruiting Trends guide is a comprehensive and trusted report with invaluable insights into the evolving world of work.

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Our 2024 Salary & Recruiting Trends guide is a comprehensive and trusted report with invaluable insights into the evolving world of work.

Access now

What are the main motivations for moving jobs?
How are employers planning to address challenges?
Are employees satisfied with their salaries?  

For your copy of the report, simply fill in the form for instant access to employment insights that can shape your hiring plans, including:

  • A 10-year employment trends snapshot
  • The impact of the cost of living on salaries and job moves
  • How to get the skills you need to achieve current objectives and overcome future challenges
  • How to strike the right balance with different ways of working
  • The impact of AI in the workplace
  • How to retain staff with a positive employee experience
  • Tips to get the most out of a multi-generational workforce

You’ll receive an exclusive view of what almost 15,000 employers and professionals from across the country think, with a detailed look into 21 industries and salaries.

Access the findings in full, by completing the short form:

  •  I confirm that I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions. By filling out this form, I agree I have read and understand the Privacy Policy

Benchmark your teams' salaries for 2024

Benchmark your teams' salaries for 2024

Ensure your business stays competitive by benchmarking your staff salaries - allowing you to attract or retain top talent.

Use our salary checker