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Everyone has a part to play in tackling plastic pollution
5 min read | Paul Gosling | Article | Career development | Industry insights
Every minute of every day, a lorry worth of plastic enters the ocean. This has a disastrous effect on marine life. Not only does the plastic debris entangle and injure marine species, but, when plastic is broken down by waves and sunlight, the toxic microplastics produced are easily ingested. An estimated 100,000 marine mammals are killed by plastic ingestion or entanglement each year. Given our nation’s appetite for a fish dinner, evidence suggests that we could be ingesting those microplastics, too. But the repercussions of plastic pollution don’t stop there.
We manufacture 430 million tons of plastic a year and production is set to triple by 2060 if things continue in the same vein – it’s evident that society’s relationship with plastic needs to change. While plastic has unquestionable benefits not least in the healthcare system, where single-use syringes, catheters and surgical gloves can prevent the spread of infectious diseases, we need to reduce our reliance on non-essential plastic products.
We still live in a ‘throwaway society’: UK households throw out nearly 100 billion pieces of plastic packaging every year and only 12% of this waste is recycled in the UK, according to results from The Big Plastic Count. The rest is either put into landfill sites, burned in waste incinerators or exported to other countries.
Did you know that plastic bags, water bottles and single-use coffee cups can take anywhere from 20 to 500 years to decompose in landfill sites? Plastic waste that ends up in landfill releases toxic chemicals as it breaks down and the resulting microplastics can make their way into our soil, our water supplies, our food chain and our bodies.
Tackling plastic pollution at its core requires a life cycle assessment that addresses every stage, from product design and production to consumption and waste management. By 2040, it’s estimated that a transformed plastic economy could create 700,000 additional jobs and reduce plastic pollution by 80%. But we need specialists from all industries to work together to achieve this, including scientists, engineers, designers, supply chain specialists, marketers and policy makers.
Shocking statistics about plastic pollution can trigger feelings of worry, stress and helplessness for many individuals. However, there are simple steps that we can all take, no matter what industry we work in, to reduce plastic waste in our homes, our workplaces and our communities.
Interested in tackling important environmental issues like plastic pollution in your next role? Speak to one of our expert consultants to find out where a career in sustainability could take you. Or if your organisation is looking to source top talent for your upcoming sustainability projects, register a job with us today.
Paul Gosling, National Director for Sustainability Recruitment, Hays
Paul has been a specialist recruiter in environment and sustainability for over 25 years. He started recruiting into the sector in 1995 after finishing his BSc in Environmental Science and he’s worked with thousands of individuals and hundreds of companies over the past 20-plus years to support their growth and development in this dynamic and critically important sector.
During this time, Paul has built a wealth of knowledge and he’s recognised as a leading expert on overcoming the unique recruitment challenges facing the environment and sustainability sector.