Modern efficient recruitment methods: An evolved approach to a changing world
9 min read | Nigel Heap, Regional Managing Director, Hays | Article | | Recruiting
Learn how recruitment methods have changed and what a modern, efficient recruitment process looks like. Nigel Heap, Regional Managing Director, Hays, has the latest information.
Modern efficient recruitment methods: Key insights
During the recent uncertain years, many organisations looked to make cost efficiencies across their established recruitment processes.
For many, the most effective solution is often outsourcing some or all permanent and temporary recruitment. They can do this via the use of recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) or managed service providers (MSP).
Whilst outsourcing is a good strategy for many organisations, efficient recruitment is not necessarily about making drastic changes to your recruitment processes. Instead, it’s understanding where small changes can help to add value to your business, drive cost savings and improve the candidate experience.
Ways of improving recruitment strategy might include:
- Consolidating your supplier list
- Changing database or systems
- Reviewing your candidate journey
- Outsourcing payroll
- Benchmarking salaries.
Let’s learn more about these methods – and how recruitment has changed over the years.
Modern efficient recruitment methods: Background
When I started my career as a recruiter, we placed job advertisements in newspapers and waited for applications to arrive in the post. It’s hard to imagine this in today’s fast-paced world!
The industry has changed enormously over the course of my career. The new technology and ways of working present new opportunities and challenges on a regular basis.
Looking back at the late 1990s, we first saw the rise of job boards and the ability to apply for jobs much more quickly online. The arrival of internet aggregators in the next decade streamlined the process for job seekers. It became easier to search and apply for a huge variety of vacancies in one place. Shortly thereafter, we saw the rise of professional social media networks, dominated by LinkedIn.
There’s no denying that each of these technological steps forward has changed the recruitment industry. But not in the way some of the more pessimistic commentators envisioned. As recruiters, we were often challenged as to whether we still had a role to play in this 'new world'. In fact, our role is more important than ever.
Making technology work for you
For employers, the downside of these new technologies is the potential to be inundated with job applications. Yet time after time, our clients tell us they are still struggling to find the skills they need. What’s more, job boards, aggregators and social media sites are still, predominantly, targeting a pool of active job seekers.
So, what does this mean for employers, struggling to find the skills they need?
Technology is moving fast. So are the expectations of candidates, as we see in the What Workers Want Report. The role of an expert recruiter in helping employers find the talent they need in this fast-changing environment.
A modern recruitment strategy
New technology allows us to do some incredibly interesting things. For example, by examining patterns of behaviour on social media profiles such as LinkedIn, we can gauge how open to new opportunities a professional might be. Certainly not something we would have envisaged back in the days of postal applications!
At Hays, we have also developed strategic data partnerships and software tools to enhance our ability to find relevant candidates, where and when they are available.
Ultimately, though, the foundation of recruitment is people. This hasn’t changed. Our recruiters get to know and understand the aspirations of the individuals we work with. The data helps point us in the right direction, but the relationship and trust formed over time with the recruiter are key.
Combining skill and care in our work can take us far. But what other recruitment methods or strategy changes can help us succeed?
1. Consolidating your preferred supplier lists to reduce costs
For an organisation of any size, reviewing your PSL can help to cut down on administrative costs and improve transparency. Hays can advise you on efficiently evaluating and consolidating your preferred supplier list (PSL) to improve more effectively benchmark rates.
2. Simplifying the selection of the right vendor management system (VMS) or applicant tracking system (ATS)
A VMS does a lot more than just measure the performance of your staffing suppliers. It tracks, automates and reports on the whole resourcing process, from request to payment. To help you make the right choice of technology, Hays constantly monitors, tests, evaluates and learns the latest technological developments impacting the industry, including VMS.
Implementing an ATS can help reduce manual tasks for your HR team, automating time-consuming processes and streamlining the candidate experience. Working closely with a recruitment partner can help you gain access to or select a system that is a good strategic fit for your organisation.
3. Auditing your candidate journey to help you attract and retain talent
In-demand talent expects a slick and efficient hiring process. The quicker you can execute the process, the more likely you are to successfully retain their interest. Try auditing the length of time it takes to apply. Working with a recruiter to benchmark against candidate expectations can help to streamline the candidate journey.
The Hays Candidate Journey Diagnostic is an online tool to help employers improve their candidate experience. It helps you evaluate how strong your candidate experience is against industry-leading best practices across six key assessment stages. Then, it creates a personalised report of recommendations on how to take your candidate experience to the next level.
4. Outsourcing payroll to just one provider
Outsourcing your payroll to a single provider gives you the assurance of accuracy and speed. You will also have clear visibility and control via regular reporting. Engaging one trusted partner also frees up time for you to focus on your core business, driving other efficiencies.
For a large number of organisations, this course of action has been brought to the forefront by the IR35 question. Many have realised they can save considerable amounts by using one payroll provider, while also managing their future risks around the off-payroll working rules.
5. Benchmarking salaries to keep your reward offering competitive
To provide a competitive package that attracts the talent you need, salaries need regular benchmarking to ensure they align with current market rates. Working landscapes are evolving constantly, with peaks in demand causing increased skills shortages and a fluctuating pool of available talent.
Hays’ salary and benefit benchmarking service provides you with real-time information on your market and comparable sectors. You will see information like pay and reward structures, perceptions and workforce diversity strategies. This will give you the information you need to recruit and retain the right talent.
Modern efficient recruitment methods: Next steps for your business
The methods for posting a job advert and waiting for applications are no longer, alone, enough to compete for talent. The world is changing. Staying ahead in the war for talent requires the management of huge volumes of data, complex recruiting tools and sophisticated content publishing platforms. Then, add in the traditional skills, expertise and relationships of a recruiter.
Through this winning combination, we can identify the best talent for employers from what has become an increasingly large, complex pool of potential candidates.
To find out more about how you can create cost savings and drive recruitment efficiencies at your organisation, contact Hays Talent Solutions today.
About this author
Nigel Heap
Nigel is Regional Managing Director for Hays UK & Ireland and EMEA and Chairman of Asia Pacific. He joined Hays UK in 1988 as a trainee consultant. By 1997, he was Managing Director of Hays Australia and consequently expanded operations to New Zealand, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia.
In 2006, he was appointed Managing Director of Asia Pacific. He became the UK & Ireland Managing Director and Chairman of the Asia Pacific business in 2012. In 2018 Nigel was appointed Regional Managing Director for Hays UK & Ireland and EMEA and retains his position as Chairman of Asia Pacific.