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    15 Aug 2024

Head of Health Care

The Rikkyo School is a fully boarding Japanese School (with Japanese students) in the West Sussex countryside.
The School is currently undergoing a top to toe review of its services and this is a unique opportunity to manage and lead the improvement in the provision of the health, safety and well-being of the students at The Rikkyo School.
As a full boarding school with Japanese students the Head of Health Centre will play an essential role in ensuring that The Rikkyo School is a home from home for our students.
The School Health Lead will lead in the risk assessment and coordination of individual support plans and will work collaboratively with the School Pastoral Team, ensuring the care of both students and staff.
The Head of Health Care will be part of the Safeguarding team and will act as a Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.
Duties and Responsibilities
1. To provide daily care to students and manage and lead the School Health Centre
2.Ensure the effective management of Health Centre records by:
i)Ensuring the School’s management information system is accurate and up to date;
ii)Ensuring appropriate stocks of medication and medical supplies are maintained and stored safely;
iii)Ensuring health promotion materials are displayed in an appropriate and timely fashion;
iv)Ensuring a clean and safe environment is maintained at all times
3. To administer over the counter medication and any specified prescribed treatments, in accordance with School protocols and procedure and with parental consent and instruction
4. To manage and support with medical emergencies on School premises
5. To administer appropriate first aid to students and staff
6. To fully understand the ‘duty of care’ to students and know what to do in an emergency
7. To liaise with House Staff to ensure that students who are too ill to attend School have appropriate care put in place
8. To provide well-being support for students, ensuring that arrangements are reviewed regularly
9. To communicate students’ physical and mental health issues with parents/guardians
10. To ensure meticulous attention to details in the maintenance of student records
11. To ensure the ongoing management and welfare of students with chronic illness, ensuring care plans are developed and written for students requiring them
12. To work in partnership with staff, students and parents in identifying physical and mental health issues, ensuring referral to other agencies where appropriate
13. To maintain health records, ensuring confidentiality, safe and appropriate legal storage in line with data protection requirements
14. To complete the relevant first aid administration process for staff and students, including provision and coordination of first aid kits for School trips
15. To lead the organisation and management of immunisation sessions in School, liaising with Child Health and NHS School Nurses when necessary
16. To support Heads Houses and teaching staff regarding the care of students, providing teaching staff with general training about the initial care of students with medical needs
17. To liaise with parents, staff and external agencies in matters relating to the students’ health and well-being
18. To ensure the creation of an environment that is safe to all; to report and monitor accidents as required
19. To ensure your own continued professional development is maintained and built upon, ensuring minimum standards and requirements for NMC, by attending relevant training courses, seminars and conferences relating to health matters. Keeping up to date with professional developments through the Royal College of Nursing, and the Independent Schools Nurses Forum
20. To provide advice to staff organising School trips, develop risk assessment and complete additional paperwork in particular for residential and overseas visits.
21. To be the Line Manager of the Health Centre team and oversee the management of the Schools’ Counselling service
22. To ensure the Health Centre is compliant with regulations and update policies accordingly in line with legislation
23. To report to the Health and Safety lead termly, reporting on any accidents and health issues within the School. To monitor first aid training for staff and report to RIDDOR when necessary
As Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead:
1. To share responsibility as Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, responding to any child protection issues in a timely manner ensuring that the School Safeguarding and Child Protection policy is followed
2. Meet with the Designated Safeguarding Lead to communicate safeguarding concerns
3. Contribute to the annual safeguarding audit and termly file reviews
4. Liaise with other agencies as necessary and attending meetings as required
5. Attend DSL network meetings
6. Attend regular supervision meetings
As a Member of Staff at The Rikkyo School:
1. To identify personal in-service training needs and attend appropriate courses
2. To attend relevant meetings and keep up to date with the day-to-day work of the School
3. To respect the confidentiality of sensitive information shared by staff, parents and students
4. To be responsible for the safety of yourself, colleagues, students and visitors, ensuring that safe practices are followed, training attended, and anything deemed unsafe is immediately reported to the Bursar
5. To maintain good order among the students and safeguard their health, safety and welfare in accordance with School policy on the School premises
6. To become familiar with, and follow, all School policies and procedures
7. To ensure awareness of what is happening in and around the School
8. To attend training courses as required
9. To undertake any other duties that might be reasonably requested by your line manager, the Headteacher or Bursar
The salary will be competitive, depending upon experience and qualifications.
You are also entitled to claim 30p per mile for transportation to and from the School for the performance of your duties, up to a maximum of £10.20 per day.