Corporate Lawyer 3+

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    Private Practice
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    To £££

Corporate Lawyer, London

Corporate Lawyer 3+ To £££

This popular City firm with a highly ranked corporate department is looking to hire an ambitious corporate lawyer with a strong grounding in general corporate and private M&A work. The team works for public and private corporates, PE, and Insurance firms and are well known for their sector expertise in technology and media, retail and consumer and financial services. With a focus on private M&A, there will be the opportunity to get involved in some public M&A, joint ventures and corporate advisory matters. Enjoy top-quality work for household name clients in this collaborative team with genuine prospects going forward.

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Talk to Alison Pendleton, the specialist consultant managing this position

Located in London-City, 5th Floor, 107 Cheapside, Telephone 0203 465 0139
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